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Friday, July 1, 2011

Have Fun at the Beach, but be careful with your jewelry

While you're having fun this summer, swimming in your local pool, or playing down at the beach, please be aware of some dangerous pitfalls when taking care with your jewelry.

Most of us don't realize it, but because the water temperatures are lower than our body temperature, it cools down our body. This may cause your body to slightly shrink in size, meaning that your finger size will be smaller after a short period of time in the water. This is a perfect recipe for losing your beautiful rings in the water. Every year I hear of someone that lost their ring or other jewelry while playing in or near the ocean. This may be heart breaking so my recommendation is leave your jewelry at home.

Ok, so now you've been warned about not wearing your jewelry in by the beach, but is there anything else to be aware of?

The sand can act as an abrasive, and damage the finish on your jewelry as well as harming precious stones. So the bottom line is that it's not a good idea to bring your jewelry to the beach. Leave them behind and enjoy the day!

What about pools you may ask? Often, the chemicals that are used in pools may be harmful to precious metals and gemstones. The chlorine that is used in many pools can cause reactions that will permanently ruin your silver, gold and perhaps even your platinum jewelry. Pools are also cooler in temperature than your body temperature, so you'll have the same problem in a pool as at the beach with rings slipping off of your fingers.

Have fun in the water, and leave your jewelry worries at home!!

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